Mac app games for low vision
Mac app games for low vision

mac app games for low vision

Teacher can easily assist student with VI since device is the same. They will have guided lessons on logging in, getting oriented, learning keyboard, clicking buttons, writing, etc.

#Mac app games for low vision how to#

For early elementary school, use same device (just get one with big screen) teacher is teaching content but also how to use the tool. Our students need fluency on different devices.

mac app games for low vision

Any online device can access the Google platform. Are they older? Assess tasks, environment and student’s skills to determine best tech. Quick answer, are they young? Consider a large screen Chromebook for reasons described below. My student with low vision has an iPad, can’t they just use that? Maybe or maybe not that efficiently! Although there are options for accessibility like magnification, the small screen size, low resolution, and need for close viewing distance can make small Chromebooks difficult to use. The Chromebooks in class are so small! Can my student with low vision use one? Apps, extensions and add-ons can be added which function like programs and tools. You log on with a Google account (schools set up google for education linked logins).

mac app games for low vision

They don’t have a hard drive to store files or load applications. They are not a computer like a PC or Mac. Most classrooms use 9 or 11 inch Chromebooks. This is the first in a series of Tech Talks from the VI Program at San Francisco State University (SFSU).Ī very common device in classrooms for going online and completing curricular activities. Jessica discusses how to set up Chromebook accessibility for students with low vision. Jessica McDowell, TVI/COMS, of Marin County Office of Education (California) presents a 50-minute video: TechTalk #1: Chromebook Basics for Students with Visual Impairments.

Mac app games for low vision